• Mix and Match Matters

    17 comments / Posted by Hannah Tong

    Winter time! Low temperature makes everyone looks fuzzy. Wearing too much will hurt your appearance, but wearing less will hurt you, of course.


    So let’s think out of the box, try to wear Mix & Match, just like the popular fashion bloggers. The next street shot might belong to you.


    1.Coat + Coat
    Eye Catching

     In Celine 2018 spring-summer, Coat + Coat, keeps you fashion and warm.▼


    Fashion Blogger Leandra Medine loves Mix & Match as well. Coat + Wind Coat is her weapon. Belt under the coat will show the sexy waist.▼


    Grey and black coat are belong to the easy mode match, so no matter inside or outside, we can tell the beauty.▼


    Coat + Coat is also working for small ladies. Over knees coat will help to show the perfect figure.▼



    2. Jean Jacket + Coat


    Warm, Youth, Classic


    For Leandra Medine, Black coat with jean jacket inside will be a warm combination.  The blue color will be an add-on for opening style.▼


    One tip for jean jacket + coat is that please remember to wear longer for the outside. Tight pants or culottes will show your long leg, the white shoes will be the best bonus.▼


    Grey coat with jean jacket is another perfect match.▼



    3. Leather + Coat
    Say No to Wind 


    Leather definitely is one of strongest weapon for the mix and match. Keep warm and fit.▼


    Leather + coat is a very practical combination. Leather is prohibiting the wind, and coat will keep you warm.▼


    With a light color coat, pure black will show difference.▼


    Leather covered by Teddie coat can match with a tide jean, then you can image a pretty girl on the bike.▼



    4. Suit + Coat


    Fretted suit with coat outside, you cannot tell the weirdness.▼


    Paul Smith 2017 Fall, Suit with coat.▼


    White or black suit covered by coat is another simple way to express elegant.▼


    Black coat with black suit and black pants, all black bring tall and thin feature.▼


    Being a “paycheck” person, you must wear suit a lot.  Camel coat with black will balance the tone.▼


    Wei Qi, Mix and Match▼


    Shishi Liu yellow hoodie with blue jean jacket.▼


    Dongyu Zhou, Mix and Match is really warm.▼


    Siyan Huo, Mix and Match, with tide pants, fashion but still warm.▼


    Rong Yang, hoodie and wind coat mix and match, another good choice.▼


    Or like her, sweatshirt with turtle neck, keep your warm like always.▼


    Mix and match for sweater and turtle neck is another topic. Black, white and grey are the never-go-wrong fashion match.▼

     Having seen so many pretties, lets learn and try, enjoy the winter and welcome the summer.

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  • 那些年我们嫌弃的校服,如今都成什么样了!

    0 comments / Posted by Hannah Tong



    廉价的面料和老旧的款式曾经也是遭遇了各种嫌弃和白眼,时至今日,人家居然走上T 台,成为备受追捧的时尚单品。
































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  • As a Blogger, How to be as Sexy as Laura

    1 comment / Posted by Hannah Tong



    That’s her, sexy but no haters.

    Laura Matuszczyk , speechless for her pretty face



    I think, she is really crossing the line of “regular beauty”. Being told, her face is a combination of all those faces.


    The most attraction is her lip. However, her lips are not natural born. She admitted this fact, and I really respect her honesty. Thicker lips are enhancing her advantage and make her outstanding.


    Not only face, her body is another sexy “weapon”.



    The personality and feeling spread from Laura’s body is so French so that I thought she was from France for a long time. Actually, she is from Portland. Dizzy eyes and “sleepy” bangs are the symbol and tag for her own branding.



    Laura’s Sexy is attractive but not seductive. She can make a balance of fashion and sexy, which is the goal for most of pretties are chasing for. Lets see how Laura achieves this.



    ★Androgynous Quality Make Sexy Classic★


    Comparing with sexy clothes, Laura prefers more androgynous style dressings. It seems a deduction on her charm, actually other way around, this style make her unique and adorable.




    In the color choice, even though Laura’s closet is filled up with black, white, gray or some other dark colors, you wont feel boring at all.

    The only shining color is red!  Of course, no woman can say “no” to red.





    Her favorite pants are jeans.

    Besides jeans, you can also see Drainpipe Jeans and flats from her, to express her own French style.


    ★Focus on the Slimmed Down Waist, Sexy but not Too Much ★

    Laura is not just winning by the masculinization, but also feminization by the lace hidden in the suit.




    Laura does know how to control her advantage, to make her breast fade out and focus on her slimmed down waist.

    Please flash back on our coat topic, losing coat is suitable for busty women, and you can find a lot in Laura’s choices.


    To enhance her advantage, hiding flaws is another strategy she is using. For example, Laura’s coat is covering to the shins, to cover her big hip.

    Material wise, she prefers stiff fabrics. To keep this preference, she can be more slimmed. As the left picture shows, material is too soft to show the spirit.


    ★Loose Clothes is Showing Sexy Laziness★


    “Too tide” is the main reason causing lust from the busty women. Tide sweater is the not a good option for them, but you can always try loose ones, which can give you an add-on for fashion and slimness.


    Besides loose sweaters, low gauge sweater is another choice.


    To cover your hip, lashing up the sweater to your waist is a good solution. Laura can still show her sexy from wearing sweater, please check out her shoulder!



    ★Black is the Choice


    Black is a magical color.

    This color is the majority in Laura’s closet. Sometimes, she is hiding all her beauty in the black, and only showing her face out, which is good enough.

    Different invisibility of black is an important skill for controlling this color. With a little hollow design on the black, the Androgynous is becoming much more sexier.

    If you don’t want to have black outside, try inside then.


    ★Hair and Make-up Matter★



    Laura’s hair keeps a little fuzzy all the time. Her French style is showing out completely with her curving hair.  



    Well, “Laura Style” can take a break for today. No matter what is your size, you can always show your own style, busty women also can be beautiful and fashion. I really hope I can get my cup upgraded.


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  • 6个最棒的圣诞礼物 | 哪个是你心中的首选?

    0 comments / Posted by Hannah Tong

    Christmas Gift Ideas










    1. Google Home 

    自推出至今一直成为热话的Google Home,价钱不算太贵,是今年至hot礼物的首选。标志着人类快将进入高科技家居时代。Google Home的体积好像一个普通花瓶那麽大,懂得自我学习丶在网上搜寻资料丶辨认声音丶回答主人的问题及按主人的意思去做不同的任务。有了它,当你进入门家门,可以毋须动手,甚至连智能电话都不用拿出来,便可以与它沟通,例如遥控电视机或音响设备。



    2.Petcube Bite

    猫奴狗奴们必备。身为宠物们的铲屎官,可以时刻观察独自在家的宠物们的状态,并能够通过其内置的扬声器,在通过蓝牙和 WiFi 与智能手机相连後,便利用 App 和宠物进行互动交谈等,同时,可以通过 App 对宠物进行训练。除此之外,它还带有智能喂食的功能,将宠物粮食放到盒子里之後,铲屎官可远程按照时间给宠物喂食。






    烹饪从来都不是一件简单的事情,不少吃货为了让自己的舌头过瘾,孜孜不倦地研究各种美食的做法。June 智慧烤箱目前可以辨识出的食物包括牛排丶鸡肉丶白鱼丶培根丶鲑鱼丶熏肉丶饼乾面团丶巧克力蛋糕丶烤面包丶贝果以及汉堡包披萨等 15 种食材。June 未来透过软体更新将能进一步扩大食材辨识的范围和种类。

    此外,June 还有一个厨房秤,它可以辨识出放入的物品丶称出其重量,并据此安排合适的时间。举个例子,当烤箱门关上後,June 知道在烘烤什麽东西,比如说是一块牛排,它知道这块牛排的重量。如果使用了内建的温度计,它还能够按照您的喜好,完美烘烤这块牛排;如果中途离开的话,可以用手机观看烤箱内部,或者会在烘烤完成後接收到一则通知,让您知道东西什麽时候煮好了。




    4.Dyson Pure Hot+Cool 









    5.Ember Temperature Control Mug 智慧保温杯





    6. apm Monaco 饰品

    对于爱时尚的美人们,首饰才是最能屡获她们心的礼物!apm Monaco 珠宝是来自法国摩纳哥的高端品牌,全部采用高科技防氧化925纯银材质制造出精美独特设计风格的饰品。对于这种性价比超高的礼物,又可以让对方满心喜爱的礼物,是你圣诞礼物的不二选择。



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  • Fashion options for ladies of quality, how much do you know?

    0 comments / Posted by Hannah Tong





    Fashion options for ladies of quality, how much do you know?



    Lady of quality or gentlewoman is a special terminology, which is getting popular in 1920s. Generally speaking, Lady of quality strictly defines such a female group who are from ancestry, tagged by talent and appearance, and showing up in fashion circle frequently.  Meantime, she needs to be pioneer of charity and society contribution leader.



    However, in the modern society, the definition of lady of quality is expanding. Not only the fashion queens and rich second generation, but also the ladies who are building their career  by themselves starting from zero and have certain achievement in a young age.


    They are driving themselves crazy by wearing fancy or acting in elegance 24/7, so you might ask a simple question, are they tired?


    They are wearing high heels everyday without exception to keep their dominating and extraordinary charm. Is that inspired or what?



    Well, here is the hard part, being a lady of quality is not easy at all. Let niche tell you what five fashion “weapons” you need to have for matching the lady of quality standard.



    1. Pearl and Jewelry



    Jewelry is become charming because of the owner. This is a must in gentlewomen’s accessories.




    During all those jewelries collections, Catherine Middleton loves the pearl the most, because of its special image in such a romantic and  traditional way.



    To be outstanding among so many different types of jewelries, the pearl component is a really good choice for showing the unique beauty and quality.


    2. Clothes Suit

    The lady of quality and a certain type of clothes suit have been treated as a whole in our minds.



     Since the “airport outfit” from American first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy back to years, we have witnessed a lot of success examples like Kate Princess.




    Certain suit sets are tagging the ladies, and the ladies are planting their image into the suit as well.



    3. Luxury Bag


    Being a lady, specially a famous lady of quality, bag matters the most!




    No matter Hermes or Chanel, the ladies gotta have one or a lot!



    But, those ladies are treating luxury bag purchase as an investment, instead of emotional appeal spending. Blinded purchase and wasting money on low value maintenance bags is a nightmare.



    4 High Heels 

    Breath-taking High Heels changes the whole image of a woman, and it will help ladies step into a brand new level of gracefulness.


    “Sex and the City ” is the fashion beginner’s bible. Carrie’s closet is always the hot topic from her old apartment to the new home with Mr. Big.



    “Sex and the City ” is the fashion beginner’s bible. Carrie’s closet is always the hot topic from her old apartment to the new home with Mr. Big.



    The energy from high heels is stupendous, the ladies wont take it off for sure.


    5 Toypoodle


    One of the cutest creature, toypoodle is another “secret weapon” for the ladies.


    Besides the fashion wearing, the toypoodle is another magic tool for the ladies. this little dog can be used as a pose decoration, or a sign of kindness, or a time killer for the ladies. Elizabeth Taylor was holding her dog everywhere.


    Because of Grace Kelly’s royal identity, toypoodle has evolved into the “The Royal Pet”.


    The passion of toypoodle is never fading away from the female stars. Gaga is one of the toypoodle fans who were often captured by reporters on the street with her Fozzi.



    Nugget, Kate Perry’s dog is even more popular than her master.




    By times, the old fashion full set of ladies of quality are more like a joke rather than a standard. The only reason is that our standard is changing slowly but significantly.


    What is your standard ? Cannot wait to hear your answer.


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